Friday, January 28, 2011

Thou Shalt Not Stain Thine Cosplay

It's like a second Christmas today! I got my fabric packages within minuets of each other.

I left my breastplate under a stack of books last night to dry, with a scrapped together puzzle of extra foam jig to stretch the vinyl around the raised "ab" area.

Only thing is... There was some sharpie... And... TwT *sniffle*

Well here's the back:

At least the technique worked PERFECTLY. If I can't get the stain out or work around it when I airbrush highlights, I have lots of extra fabric and can make a new one.
I am become 'ze proud papa!


Cosplay said...

Today's world is growing very rapidly. Everyone wants to look good.In this case cosplay outfit has a perfect balance between the lace and the open part. It gives you personal satisfaction. It has a wide variety of costumes. Cosplay Costume is one of top sellers this season.

Cosplay said...

Today's world is growing very rapidly. Everyone wants to look good.In this case cosplay outfit has a perfect balance between the lace and the open part. It gives you personal satisfaction. It has a wide variety of costumes. Cosplay Costume is one of top sellers this season.